Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Worst of Crimes

The internet is a meeting place for any and for all kinds of activities. This sadly includes child molesters posting and exchanging child pornography. I just watched an episode of Oprah about this and now I'm sitting here with a huge urge to first vomit, and secondly seek out and kill some pedophiles.

A close friend of mine was abused as a child, by her own father. In 3 out of 4 ceases it is someone close to the kid, which only makes it worse. It's a really sick world out there, pedophile networks produce how-to guides on making child pornography, making sure the kid will not be able to tell what happened or not resist abuse.

To sexually abuse a child is of the worst crimes I can imagine. You take an innocent little child and ruin it fysically and mentally just for own personal pleasure. Being alert and making sure your kids don't talk to strangers is not enough anymore. The police (in any nation I can think of) needs more funding to hunt down child molesters, and also the penalties are way too low. A perfectly reasonable penalty would be to chop off the abuser's private in addition to prison sentances and fines. A enuch cant repeat the crime.


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's exactly funding that's needed to take down the perpetrators themselves.
Because usually it starts from one fixed point.
Don't kill me for this, but I think the Internet needs to start being policed. Now since everyone is moving from televisions to computer screens, things are drastically changing and the Internet is a place where police interference may need to be incurred.
Since a lot of child pornography travels without any notice and so forth.
Although I'm against the Internet being policed :S

Sig said...

Well then the funding issue still remains, the police dosnt have resources to police the internet.

Which anyway, I'm as much against as you are XD